Friday, June 27, 2014

All this from the end of the first half, the country 米后卫格雷 Scott

That was a period from 15 years ago, but never have the end of the Chilian. 1994 Summer shy face of the United States, the four Houfalanxi inexplicable spasm Stadium on the turn of the century a broken leg nightmare World Cup on the return of the king - so legendary that only he could write, and only he can create . Despite erin andrews reaching erin andrews the 33-year-old "old age", despite far from European competition, but in this world, no matter how many Ronaldinho magnificent chapter to write, no matter how much dedication C Lo magnificent performances, always only a Ronaldo ...... [Special Comment: There is only one Ronaldo]
March 8, 2009, after an absence of Brazilian domestic league 15-year-old Ronaldo returned to a familiar piece of land. Corinthians and Palmeiras in the Sao Paulo state league, one year after the injured Ronaldo comeback in the second half off the bench and headed home in stoppage time. To celebrate its first 14 months since the break, Ronaldo "rare" rush to celebrate, even in spite of the risk to climb out of the court fence, along with the fans in the audience shouting ...... indulge this moment, whether you are his fans, I am afraid that this will be the heart of a fighter's death shocked, impressed. erin andrews
Such innocence, voices of people from Brazil, Ronaldo back in 1993 had to indulge them, and now every time I hear, too, enjoy endless. Although once footprints all over the Netherlands, Spain and Italy, but Ronaldo is always at the root of Brazil, this gave him the talent, give him a warm land, he will never be able to get the greatest satisfaction. 1993-94 season, Ronaldo Cruzeiro just stayed for a year, but left 44 games into 44 balls terrorist record. In that year, he began to have "Bailey successor" nickname, began to enter the Brazilian national team coach Carlos Alberto Parreira's attention, began his footsteps to conquer the world.
1996-97 season, Ronaldo gushing and issued a season, in this year, he surrendered the league 37 games into 34 balls, wonderful King's Cup five games 8-ball, UEFA Cup Game 7 5 balls transcripts, looking back The past 20 years of the five leagues, and only he could do that almighty king. Barca final single season harvest Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Cup and the King's Cup three major champions, erin andrews Ronaldo himself by virtue of Santiago de Compostela in the game after scoring five people even had a super performance, among the top stars of the official. Barcelona coach when he was Bobby - Robson Yangtianchangtan "Ronaldo belongs to another planet", and in this year's FIFA World Player Award, only 20 years old Ronaldo actually beat the performance of the European Cup eye-catching and processing Shearer because of the big names such as Paul, was crowned king of the world.
In fact, Ronaldo and Inter Milan's "First Love" is still very good, at the beginning of the investigation 入梅阿 first season, Ronaldo is still the continuation of the peak period in Barcelona. 21 years old, he was still in the period of rise, there are still enormous amounts of energy did not show, but this boy genius from Brazil, but without the slightest fear of the Apennine tough defense arena. 1997-98 season, Ronaldo transcript is 47 games 34 goals, which in the League Cup final staged "pendulum extraordinary", is still his signature moves, became an instant classic in the hearts of millions of fans.
After the end of 1997 swept the world and European Footballer of the Golden Globes, Ronaldo's career began a long shadow. Shortly after the start of the 1998-99 season, Ronaldo again on the fragile knee injury sidelined a month; December 1998 the Milan derby, a knee injury sidelined three games; January erin andrews 1999 Inter Milan and Bologna erin andrews war, hurry back Ronaldo knee overwhelmed again, this time to let him rest for two months ...... after losing top scorer, Inter Milan only 13 wins, seven draws and 14 losses among the league's erin andrews worst record eighth, Baggio and Zamorano two people doing all they also failed to rewrite behind city rivals AC Milan 24 points embarrassing reality.
April 12, 2000, waiting for the 144 days of the Nerazzurri fans finally looked forward Ronaldo's comeback in the first leg of the Italian Cup final with Lazio, people look forward Ronaldo then Li Qigong. However, the tragedy has come more rapidly than ever, more off guard. Start of the race just seven minutes, Ronaldo in unguarded crashing to the ground, when he again was stretchered off pain in court, tears have slipped everyone's cheek. This time the patella fracture health directly declared Ronaldo erin andrews farewell erin andrews 2000-01 season. During his two surgeries performed in Paris until August 2001 to return to Inter Milan.
All this from the end of the first half, the country 米后卫格雷 Scott's return errors began to change. Three goals Bobosiji, Simone Inzaghi and small, like stab in the heart of the Third Inter knives, all the dreams and glory spines crushed. Ronaldo doing a final effort, time and time again that he alone killed the ball to each other restricted area, but failed again and again, in his grappling career for himself in Europe's first league title, but also for his tired Peregrine years and atonement. The whole game the first 77 minutes, Caron Cooper replaced Ronaldo with a teenager, was already 2-4 behind Inter, the failure has been inevitable. The last five minutes left in the game, but directed erin andrews by the court seems to have no concern race, shot again and again to cut off the bench Ronaldo - At this moment, he had not then omnipotent aliens, and more like a sudden loss of beloved children gifts, erin andrews crying tears. The whole world saw from between the fingers of his left tears, pathos like a doomsday.
King returned - from tears of sadness to tears of joy
May 2002 Rome Olympic stadium, Ronaldo lost the Serie A title and face to sob, but after two months of the Yokohama International Stadium, Ronaldo scored twice in the final leaving tears of happiness. Return of the King? Nirvana rebirth? Such words seem insufficient to depict Ronaldo experienced all these years. Ronnie himself before the final exchange of the "Fu head" shape, then also became the world's most enthusiastic kids hair. 98 years later, wearing No. 9 children in Brazil, 02 years after the "Little Fu heads" who are now grown up, recall Ronaldo, it is also in their memorial was young.
2002-03 erin andrews season, Ronaldo finally fulfilled his dream of the league erin andrews title, but in the Champions League, Real Madrid in the semifinals but fell to the foot of Juventus, Ronaldo came off the bench for the team Bode penalty, but the shot but Figo Buffon denied being brave - Ronaldo's career year closest erin andrews to the Champions League trophy, so came to an end. With a little sadness and regret, Ronaldo with his second erin andrews Golden Boot completed the 2003-04 erin andrews La Liga season, but Real Madrid has also embarked on the journey without a crown. After Figo, Zidane Love getting old, Barcelona's La Liga has become the world while leaving Ronnie dreaming of the Champions League, which became the Premiership semi-finals and AC Milan, Barcelona turns to confrontation. When Real Madrid in the turn of the century erin andrews downtown attraction gradually dispersed, Ronaldo became the most lonely king Bernabeu stadium.
After spending three years at Real Madrid career without a crown, Ronaldo once again celebrates erin andrews its "exclusive stage" - the World Cup. South Korea and Japan during the campaign four years ago, not many people believe that he can write a legend, in 2006 the team set foot on German soil, Ronaldo erin andrews still suffering from doubt - because of his weight. At this session standing Ronaldo, emaciated boy had not 12 years ago, 1.83 meters tall, he weighs more than 90 kg, was ridiculed by the Brazilian media for the first field "refrigerator", meaning only the station does not run.
In fact, Ronaldo kicked off ...... and Inter Milan, erin andrews "love" or a very good first brand on the stands at Old Trafford fans chant "Only erin andrews one Ronaldo," the voice could be heard clearly the first brand

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