Monday, November 17, 2014

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Sure is! Falcon is Captain America next 1 in the Vocal Group of the DEA. The question of foreign journalists.
Character Falcons will become Captain America Comics Captain America books and the first time we'll see Captain America in the new version colored on July 17, 2014 report by Marvel that Jose. Quest Posada (Jose Quesada) Chief of Marvel Comics has announced that actor Samuel Wilson, also known as the Falcon (Falcon) were to step up to the role of Captain America's new. In the comic book version of Captain America The good news, this happened just a few days after the camp, Marvel announced. Thor Thor, a new person is a woman. If I remember well, Falcone is a character who assists Steve Rogers or Captain America. To fight the enemy in the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier, who just released a few days ago. The reason that he gets a new Captain America is due to the author's Creek at Mander (Rick Remender) requires that Steve Rogers lost powers. And can not perform this important function. However, the This is not the first time for Captain America from falling into the hands of another toronews character. If you're a fan of comic books, it must be remembered that at one point Steve Rogers died and Bucky Barnes (Bucky Barnes) stepped up as Captain America instead.
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