In India in the autumn people take holidays dedicated fc barcelona to idols. In addition to all the pagan and primitive Indians intense lights decorate homes, temples and cities like traditional Christians. People flock to temples pile and spend their impressive amounts reported in their budget for the holiday. How all this were not enough, firecrackers and fireworks put you to the test eardrums.
Despite impressive illumination of cities, people around the world groping in the darkness of sin, the souls of men can not be illuminated by intense licurirea bright decorations. The Indian is the curse of pagan idolatry, their idols can not light the soul as many offerings of light they would bring.
In a similar situation, and Europe is a continent where the rate of depressed patients is rife, where homosexuality and other gross sins are considered normal and are replaced by mosques and churches destination will be changed. Santa Claus can not bring spiritual light and generous lights that decorate our cities not change people's minds.
Evangelical churches have taken a lot of what makes the world for Christmas. Brotherhood of Pentecostal churches in Romania 30 years ago and felt tree decorations bright symbols fc barcelona of idolatry. In recent years, many families (Pentecostal, Evangelical) display their pictures on Facebook with families around the Christmas tree. Intense prayers of old family were replaced with elements of idolatry. Gospel Stars (singers, preachers modern, etc.) poses or filming with decorated trees then post their pictures on the internet. Some churches have brought the tree near the pulpit, hoping to popularize these pagan customs.
The debate about idolatry Christmas is no longer of interest to many evangelicals fc barcelona obvious reasons. A young family recently fc barcelona coming to faith expressing disappointment and perplexity to other Pentecostal believers promoting fc barcelona and celebrating Christmas tree. It is distressing that people who for decades on the path of repentance, accept fc barcelona worldly habits and young people refuse fc barcelona to live in faith traditions enslaving.
The more we add more elements in Christianity the more we lose the power, and the more we will maintain simple, fc barcelona the more power we have. When the church and the world is like and have many things in common, fc barcelona the church invalidates your own message to the world. How can we ask someone born again, if the man who claims that he became a Christian must not change almost anything but denomination and creed?
So despite current păgânizare church, dare I say firmly, even if space allows here to prove that tree and lights and many others that make the world and evangelical churches, including Pentecostal, fc barcelona are a smooth return to paganism and thus to a form of apostasy.
Perhaps we men to be the most guilty in this matter, because we lack the initiative fc barcelona to lead us on the path of faith and families helplessly witnessing a slow form of decay beginning in their own homes.
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01/01/2015 at 8:13
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