IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced it. Falcon Insurance Company Limited (PTTEP), a leading insurer of Thailand. Rely on advanced business analytics solutions or NICs Aromatics (Analytics), IBM introduced a complementary insight ohl into the operations of all segments throughout the organization. Since estimates of finance to marketing activities. Leverage various insurance products To meet the needs of customers at the point even more. Falcon Insurance offers a range of insurance. Ranging from car insurance Personal Accident Insurance Insurance To marine insurance, the company recognizes the need to deploy technology to your business. Coupled with improved ways to manage and analyze data in order to enhance the performance and satisfaction of the customer. Falcon Insurance has deployed IBM Cognos Data Manager to modify the plan and using the information. Spreadsheet into a holistic enterprise management ohl system that provides a business perspective also deeply IBM Cognos 10 Business Intelligence software ohl also allows operation in various fields. Linked to the central Executive various segments Access to data processing and analysis in almost real-time rates. To support business decisions and respond more quickly to market ohl needs. Solution analyzer Aromatics such helps companies ohl speed up the preparation ohl of the report. Including processing and analysis. Both can lead to further insight into the business operations of the segment, such as job losses. And marketing etc. The ability ohl to make financial reports more quickly. It also allows administrators to acknowledge the profound business information immediately. Support business decisions for the plan during the next year to be precise. The preparation of financial estimates more quickly. Preparation of the business and allows ohl administrators to access the financial and operating integrated by a single system. Allows the marketing team to meet customer needs in a timely manner. And to develop products that meet the needs of customers better. "Data ohl management using traditional methods, a process that takes time, the Company is unable to take advantage of the information available at full capacity," she SOPA Kan Narin, President of Falcon Insurance Company Limited (Thailand). "The insights or NICs Celtic gives organizations a clear picture of the financial results and Underwriting. The depth business information to help optimize the performance of the Company. And expand the capabilities of the competition. It also helps the company. Can offer the best products and service to our customers, "she Parnsiree the Amartayakul President, IBM said:" The enormous amount ohl of data management is a major challenge of the business. Organizational change approach to screening ohl benefits and insights ohl from existing data. You will be able to seize new opportunities. Business has Will also be able to manage the risk of tricks. The more organizations to access and analyze data from multiple sources in real time and how much. It would be a competitive advantage. Especially in today's fast is the key to success. "
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