In previous posts we've talked enough about the prodigious Ganoderma lucidum or Reishi, with about 400 bioactive compounds, is probably a team the fungus that during more time has been used for medicinal purposes. In fact, in China, which is the cradle of natural medicine, you'll have over all other plants a team used for these purposes ... for them is the "King of Herbs" ...! Today we refer to what we might call the "crown" of the king, the most powerful portion of this ancient fungus, spores ...!
In general, fungi have characteristics that differentiate them clearly from plants and animals. Do not make their own food like plants do photosynthesis, nor have the ability to move like animals. They develop at the expense of others, living a team or dead, from where they extract the nutrients they need. They are essentially decomposing organisms, a team so they have the ability to transform dead matter, recycling waste lots os-organically. Essentially, fungi consist of the mycelium, a cottony mass extending through the middle (in the Ganoderma a team this medium is wood), and fruiting bodies, which are the structures seen with the naked eye, and are equivalent to the fruits of a tree; since in the same way that the fruits contain seeds, spores produce fruiting bodies, which have the same function as these. a team Hence, the spores to be dispersed by water, wind or insects, and find the appropriate medium temperature conditions, light, nutrients, etc. germinate and give rise to a new organism. In the case of Ganoderma, when grown in a natural a team environment, this series covers a whole year, so that spores are much rarer than any other portion a team of the fungus. As mentioned earlier a team in this article, Reishi contains over 400 bioactive principles, a team ie having potent pharmacological activity, but it turns out that scientists (1), (2), (3) found that these are concentrated a team in larger quantities, and show a higher a team biological activity than other spores mushroom portions, making them extremely valuable. So far, two things a team are well established, first, the spores a team of Ganoderma are limited by the logic of the natural cycle; second, they are extremely quoted by its rich in biologically a team active components. We will now refer to a third feature that makes it extremely difficult to use, and is as follows: a team Reishi spores are equipped with two membranes that prevent a team proper absorption through the digestive tract. The consequence is that these spores, must go through a process where they break or fracture these membranes so that the active ingredients contained within our reach, without damage or inactivate during which . Luckily for us, the network marketing company, Organo Gold, which in a few years has been at the forefront of global a team marketing of Ganoderma lucidum, has developed a team its own process, based on the cultivation of mushroom Traditionally, as has been done for thousands of years and provides superior quality, achieving a figure of 99% of broken membranes, unlike most other producers who grow mushroom in plastic bags, altering the cycle natural, and who remain below 15% in the process ...!
Here is an extract a team from an article about it, taken directly from the Blog of Organo Gold, and explains the technique with more details ... First, this white powder and seems talc is carefully handpicked from the Ganoderma fungus using special brushes. 1,000 kilograms of powder are needed to produce just 1 kilogram of spores (hence the idea that the Ganoderma worth more than its weight in gold!) When are analyzed under the microscope, these spores have a protective shell that prevents nutrients penetrate human cells. Chinese scientists working for Organo Gold has spent years figuring out how to break the shell without damaging valuable nutrients found inside. After that managed to break the shell, scientists were surprised that existed in another case and others spent many years researching how meticulously break that shell. Scientists wanted to ensure you get the maximum benefits from the spores of Ganoderma, so they developed a patented technology a team and continued trying and trying until they achieved a success rate of 99% of cases broken! Compare this rate of 99.9 percent in
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