July 28, 2014 4 Lechal: the shoes connected using Google Maps Startups Automobile Mobile Applications Mobile Internet Digital Play Business Exhibitions and conferences Buzz Rapido Lifestyle
After recently surveyed the community about their vision of connected objects and drones, this is a survey of the uses we have made in the context of the World Cup 2014. Indeed, how are monitored matches? By what means to learn the results? Or how using social networks to comment live matches? These are all questions we are able to respond Based on a sample of 1793 people who responded to the survey on the mobile application and click Walk in the day of June 25 last (day of France - Ecuador).
Our sample is mostly told sports fans (66.4%). This did not prevent the 33.6% non-sports fans to join the fervor of the World Cup. Indeed, when asked if they follow the competition, the answer is Yes to 87.7%. There are more than a third of people who say they are not sports fan who still follow the World Cup. The clipboard is dead ... long live television steelers and mobile
Monitoring the World Cup is mostly on television. In fact, they are 73% of respondents using the TV as the primary media to follow the outcome of matches. 8.5% use specialized mobile applications sport track the score, and 7.4% do on websites specialized sport for their computer.
General websites (or LeFigaro.fr LeMonde.fr types) steelers are used up to 3.7% and 2.9% on a computer on their mobile apps, immediately followed by radio at 3%. The big loser in this world (is taking a beating similar to the 7-1 Germany - Brazil) is the clipboard which is the main information for only 1.3% of the sample holder. steelers
Refining using a second specific question steelers to the support information on the sports news (TV out), we discover that it is already 54.7% who prefer the smartphone. 25.7% remain faithful to the computer, 12.8% prefer steelers the comfort steelers of the tablet and finally 6.9% prefer to learn about newspaper or magazine paper.
This world was also the occasion for Facebook and Twitter jostling ... everyone wanting to suggest that his was the only media & social single appointment to share during games. Either these interactions were carried out by a very small number of users ... or our sample was not concerned. Indeed, it is an overwhelming 77.6% who answered "No" to the categorical question "you're reviewing games on social networks? ". They are 14.6% do on Facebook, Twitter ... 5.5% and a small 2.3% having fun to do on 2 social networks simultaneously.
Finally, during the World Cup 2014 ... TV queen remained despite the large increase in the consumption of mobile information. Is four years will be sufficient to turn the tide for a World Cup in 2018 mainly steelers on mobile?
"Is four years will be sufficient to turn the tide for a World Cup in 2018 mainly on mobile? "Translation: is that four years will be sufficient to build mobile networks even broadcast a majority of the device match the World?
For me football matches for such events is between friend, at home or in a bar ... so yesterday, today and tomorrow will always be on the big screen: steelers So TV!
Anyway as I say every year that Canal + wants to sell my channel steelers warp and / or large canalsat, steelers nothing to care about the football steelers (I know Eric that hits you deep within yourself that may not love football, but I do not like football since, phew, at least kick square posts ...)
Not follow a single steelers game, so finally, one, not entirely, because the TV was turned on where I was, looked a few times on the phone results for chocoholics who wanted steelers "absolutely" know where was the games the end of workshops ...
A hand as a backup, I do not see the point of following a match on mobile, it is much too small and it is not good for the eyes. There is nothing better than a big screen TV to watch the games.
With 35.6 million tweets, the match Germany-+ Rainbow