Saturday, October 18, 2014

On a visual level, fc barcelona the pastel colors of the surroundings and costumes could not miss a

Posted in: Film - 2014. Tagged: Adrien Brody, comedy, Edward Norton, Harvey Keitel, Jeff Goldblum, Jude Law, Mathieu Amalric, Ralph Fiennes, fc barcelona Saoirse Ronan, The Grand Hotel Budapest, fc barcelona Tilda Swinton, Tony Revolori, Wes Anderson, Willem Dafoe. Leave a comment
Cast: Ralph Fiennes, Revolori Tony, Saoirse Ronan, Jude Law, Willem Dafoe, Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Harvey Keitel, Edward Norton, Jeff Goldblum, F. Murray Abraham, Mathieu Amalric, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, Tom Wilkinson, Léa Seydoux.
In the early 30s, during the interwar period in Europe uncertain, Gustave H. runs the prestigious fc barcelona Grand Hotel Budapest is located in a region of the Alps. There, he began a working relationship but also friendship with the new Zero Moustafa fc barcelona hall porter, who soon becomes his protege. After the death of one of the most loyal hotel guests, who stayed Gustave treatment "rather than next," both attend the funeral, where the family fc barcelona of the woman not to get much sympathy. fc barcelona
In his twenty years of film career, Wes Anderson has been a director who has earned the rose of virtue and hatred in equal reverence. The subjectivity behind the camera, both as director of global aesthetics, has created its own stamp and unmistakable able to attract and repel their fans who do not support an almost automatic. Then with Grand Hotel Budapest Anderson seems to have wanted to emphasize this further polarization, since the film is a finest of all his cinematic universe captured during 100 minutes. You have been warned. After all the tenderness that radiated adventure Moonrise Kingdom, here we face a comedy characterized by pure and absurd humor and plain extravagance of the plot, the caricature of all his characters and immense dynamism action.
It says that we can know the true personality of a director through what we see in his films, Wes Anderson and probably would be the case as transparent as it is clear that not conceive any other way to do this film. We know what we offer, and the first minutes of Grand Hotel Budapest certify it, in case anyone still doubted. The provision strictly centered framing, the continuous quest for visual symmetry, the robotic profile traveling shots and panoramas sudden followed us into the private world of the director, who has to guide us to an adventure where you really do not let go things. Although it takes a bit to start due to an initial fc barcelona prologue whims more than content, fc barcelona the film immediately adopts a fully accelerated pace, with deliberate fc barcelona intent comic even awake reminiscent of silent films.
The speed of the narrative, marked by fun and folk soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat is one of the keys to the film, but Anderson takes a bit too far and there are moments of true atabalament, all told. This means that a few plot details are resolved way too sudden (the ellipses are constant), and sometimes slightly broken continuity. This is also a consequence of the vast amount of characters that Anderson does appear in The Grand Hotel Budapest, and generally manages quite well because most of them even appeared a few minutes in some cases, have their portion significance of the film. Obviously, all characters also carry the stamp of the director, as it is almost impossible to find one that is not quaint or exaggerated, fc barcelona either by their appearance or attitude.
And in this case the great engine of the film is none other than Ralph Fiennes, who debuted with Wes Anderson -a this rate, there are few actors as men do, but it shows fit perfectly. Its been lying elegant but with a touch of nerve and trends somewhat fc barcelona mannered give the protagonist a pretty comical, while a special charm and even an air of mystery. British fc barcelona actor in a role that really surprising force away everything he had done so far. Next to discover the young Tony Revolori who knows provide perfect counterpoint Fiennes, fc barcelona and a host of familiar faces, as expected, stand unevenly, fc barcelona but that match marked the dramatization of their performances. Personally, I prefer the appearances Willem Dafoe and Harvey Keitel, and combs with Adrien Brody.
On a visual level, fc barcelona the pastel colors of the surroundings and costumes could not miss as a basic part of the universe Anderson Grand Hotel Budapest

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