Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sweden - at 09:00 to 17:30 In Indonesia taxed imported spirits by up to 400%. This has meant that many have made booze illegally or added methanol to increase the alcohol andrew bynum content of the drinks. A young tourist was in a bar in Indonesia, andrew bynum where he drank mojitos which was mixed with methanol, wood alcohol that is used in the removal of paint and the like-not produced for consumption. In the liver combustion of the methanol formed so toxins andrew bynum that are toxic to the central nervous system and may include leading to blindness, and even death. andrew bynum An early cardinal symptoms of methanol poisoning is just visible disorder. Do you get this when you think you take regular alcohol so it could be signs of methanol poisoning. What do you do if you discover that you ingest methanol / wood alcohol? The most obvious is to get to the doctor as soon as you can. Meanwhile, it is on its way, it is extremely important that you pour into the massive amounts of regular andrew bynum alcohol (ethanol). Kidding me? No. Since methanol is a simple alcohol so burned andrew bynum by the enzyme alkoholdehydrogenase. It is clever with this metabolism is that it is constant regardless of amount. This means that if maintained in enormous ethanol amounts as diluted methanol in the body selected and a larger amount of methanol may go through the kidney and urethra without burning in the liver and one can thus avoid the major toxic effects on the CNS (however learn to become jÃĪdrigt packed of alcohol in the body). I myself am quite anti-alcohol, you know how harmful it is and usually drink very often so I can understand that it has a high alcohol. 400% is ridiculously and contributes to the unskilled jerks trying to cheaply by mixing the alcohol with methanol and risking lives of customers. However, I believe that the reason for liquor tax is so high is based in the religious culture. 88% of the population in Indonesia follow Islam where alcohol is strictly andrew bynum prohibited. This is one of the reasons that I do not like it when religion, government and laws flow together andrew bynum even though I can understand the medical reason. I wonder, by the way if the tax on cigarettes is as high? (* Edit: tobacco tax is at 46%) To finish so I'd rather pay an extra tjuga for my drink abroad if I know that it is not laced with wood alcohol. And until I know that I stick to prefer bottles with caps on. * Cheers!
FLASH: Earthquake Japan. Tsunami expected. Fukushima evacuated.
2 days ago
Sweden - at 09:00 to 17:30

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