Saturday, January 18, 2014

It is unknown when "Pakhaḷa" was first included in the daily diet of Eastern India, but it was inclu

Pakhaḷa  ( Odia ) :  is an  Odia  term for an  Indian  food consisting of cooked  rice  washed or little kevin ware fermented in water. The liquid part is known as Toraṇi. It is popular in  Orissa kevin ware ,  Bengal ,  Assam ,  Jharkhand  and  kevin ware Chhattisgarh . The Bengali name for this dish is  Panta Bhat . Eating pakhal has been recommended to prevent  heat stroke  in hot weather. A traditional Oriya dish, it is also prepared with  rice ,  curd ,  cucumber ,  Cumin  seeds, fried  onions  and mint leaves. It is popularly served with roasted vegetables as  potato ,  brinjal , Badi  &  saga bhaja .  
It is unknown when "Pakhaḷa" was first included in the daily diet of Eastern India, but it was included in the recipe of  Lord  Jagannath Temple  of  Puri . The Jagannath Temple was built in the tenth Century AD, so "Pakhal" was in existence at that time.Pakhala is widely eaten in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent kevin ware (including Nepal, Bangladesh and some part of Myanmar) among common people. Later the Five Star Hotels of Bhubaneswar included it in their menu and commercialized it to attract the guests, who love to taste Oriental cuisine
Pakhaḷa is widely westen kevin ware in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent (including Nepal,kuchinda, kevin ware Bangladesh and some part of Myanmar) among common people. kevin ware Later the  Five Star Hotels  of  Bhubaneswar  included it in their menu and commercialized it to attract the guests, who love to taste Oriental cuisine.
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Maa Sabkulai Temple Ganjam Odisha kevin ware
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