Thursday, January 2, 2014

To begin with, the Duel. As I said this year was not as generous as the previous, but something hap

At a time when most people begin to plan the New Year, I'm sir alex ferguson starting to sum up the year that passes. A kind of results I let, pound for pound, but I think is not superfluous nahdaty who this year earned the title boxer of the year, and that opposition can be called fight of the year. For almost all year round, a good many battles have been collected, but I believe that in the past, in 2012, was mehafaytiv much more!! But this year we got Floyd Mayweather two fights a year, but this has not been a few years! Plus Provodnikov-Bradley is another massacre, so the thirteenth year was also bright.
To begin with, the Duel. As I said this year was not as generous as the previous, but something happened. With that, I'll start. Immediately clarify, I choose sir alex ferguson to fight only with high-class sir alex ferguson boxers. Many magazines in the following sir alex ferguson categories win battles, where participants do not have to lose all the power and they leave the ring. These fights usually worthwhile, but I'm more like fights where fighters sir alex ferguson have known, that is a good class, and popular, these fights are very fun to watch each of the boxers career at stake, and when these boxers go at sharpening, naelektryzovanist felt worth mentioning fight Shane Mosley sir alex ferguson - Miguel Cotto, although the match ended on points, but the tension was incredible! Commentators of NGOs have long departed, Max Kellerman said that this is the best fight where there was no knockdown! how high was the tension! It's the fact that my version of the fight of the year may be different from others. And so I thought well nahodzhu only three matches, during which I pidskakuvav from place to end and stood in front of the monitor! First - Bradley vs. Provodnikov: briefly describe what happened in the ring on March 16, can be said to have told Timothy Kellermann for his show at the NGO FACE OFF, and so after the fight, after the massacre (sorry for the jargon) Timothy Bradley while he could not speak normally, he pronunciation was broken!! sir alex ferguson Fortunately later everything was okay. Only then will you realize so boxing can be dangerous. Preview this battle here. Second - Provodnikov vs. Alvarado: posvizhishyy this fight, it happened not long ago, I detailed sir alex ferguson it in the pages of this blog is not described, but the fight was bright. Third - Hopkins vs. Caro: You do not seemed so Hopkins is in the nomination fight of the year! Most boring boxer, most rational, nayskupishyy, most most most who are just synonyms for the word boring, the Hopkins sir alex ferguson approach. I never called and did not think Bernard Hopkins boring me his fights are always interesting, always interesting how fast B-HOP adapt to the opponent? or that it protyvopostavyt Hopkins next opponent? But in a fight with Karo Murat Bernard was a handsome, he naperekor all the skeptics and forecasters sir alex ferguson indicated that if he wants to, it can hold a real fight in the ring. Beating Hopkins Murad was spectacular and classy, you can read about it here! And a few short nominees: Han-Diaz, Kessler-Froch, Alvarado Rios. And fights a battle that year is arranged between a Timothy Bradley sir alex ferguson and Ruslan Provodnikov. Fight of the year 2013
The boxer who won a year bright victories over boxers with the highest quality pryhnuv above his head, was the champion did apset year called boxer of the year. And if that is easier boxer who defeated rivals and is the best boxer of the year, and though not necessarily to be King r4r. But this year, just as it happened. Floyd Mayweather sir alex ferguson ml. spent two fights 2013, and these fights were nayzhadanishymy, osolbyvo fight against Alvarez Canela! Set a new record for the highest fee in the history of boxing. And most importantly met the opponent, sir alex ferguson undefeated, which is one of the strongest in the weight class, and is a r4r. Floyd won that fight without leaving any doubts. The fight against Robert Guerrero was also a call for "in cash" sir alex ferguson Floyd. sir alex ferguson "The Ghost" Guerrero was not very comfortable rival, plus was on top of her career, and someone to fight for victory vidavaly Robert. These two matches would most like to see the audience, and she got them. So BOXER OF THE YEAR 2013 Floyd Mayweather Jr! Boxer of the year 2013
For variety sir alex ferguson and obyektyvnosti, I would add to this, the Boxer & Duel year from other sources, but pohuhlyvshy, and I can not stand it, I did not find the results that are expected, sir alex ferguson there were pidsumyk previous years, but this has not, maybe I'm wrong sought, perhaps I am not looking for. In any case, the year has not expired. Earlier this year, the results can be read on and other publications. I am the subject, "Boxer & Duel year, the" sir alex ferguson let down the forum / allboxing and there it will gladly discuss sothat go and subscribe. sir alex ferguson Who is interested in seeing my sweet science, you can subscribe via email or also subscribe to my own group in VK / mysweetboxing. On any questions, I will answer zradistyu. Peace to all!
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STEPHEN sir alex ferguson KING -

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