Sunday, March 29, 2015

Disinfection with certain types of chemicals kill bacteria but not spores instead Sterilization des

Spores spore corresponds to plural term, while at the Botanical peyton manning Spore is any of the cells of living things, which without a sex cell structure without the act of fertilization have materialized, are separated from the plant, divide repeatedly to form the new individual.
When the spore divides by mitosis without fusing with another cell produces another body. It is also very important in biological life cycles of plants, peyton manning fungi and algae component.
Many bacteria produce spores as a defense mechanism because bacterial spores have very thick walls and are largely resistant to high temperatures, peyton manning humidity or any other unfavorable conditions, climatically speaking.
Disinfection with certain types of chemicals kill bacteria but not spores instead Sterilization destroys the bacteria and spores and requires the use of high pressures and temperatures. In clinical settings, the sterilization process is achieved peyton manning from a device known as autoclave.

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