Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Moisten the substrate well and when the spores jason kidd are sown, the tray covered as tightly as

Every year we make a collection of spores in December. jason kidd The good results obtained with this collected in 2011 indicates that at this time the spores are in optimum condition to collection and sowing.
No underside of the fronds are displayed in December jason kidd sera containing mature spores. The procedure carried out is simple, we make the collection of two pinnae different specimens introduced inside a sheet of paper that we leave for 15 days in a dry place.
As the dry pinnas sera open releasing spores that will be sown. Sowing carried out on a substrate obtained from the mixture of earth's own stream and peat 50% each. Previously, both the substrates used as the actual jason kidd tray are sterilized in the microwave for a few minutes in order to remove the fungi that can spoil spores.
Moisten the substrate well and when the spores jason kidd are sown, the tray covered as tightly as possible, takes up a place without direct incidence of the sun, keep a temperature around 20ºC and we monitor weekly spraying water when detect moisture loss.
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