Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The intentions are different however as the 10 Sport is a project launched by Michel Moulin and Ala

August 4, 2014 1 Orbit: a new bracelet connected thought for sports, for Runtastic Startups Motoring Mobile Applications Mobile Internet schalke Digital Reading Business Exhibitions and conferences Buzz Rapido Lifestyle
Are we going to assist in our lifetime at the end of the daily L'Equipe monopoly omnipotent and very French this anomaly is that for decades a daily reigned over the landscape of the sports press? Yesterday was an important day for the latter, and for all lovers
Are we going to assist in our lifetime at the end of the daily L'Equipe monopoly omnipotent and very French this anomaly is that for decades schalke a daily reigned over the landscape of the sports press?
Yesterday was an important day for the latter, and for all sports fans since arrived simultaneously in two new kiosks sports schalke dailies, I named my right and Sport Today my left Le 10 Sport.
This launch without fanfare is not the first attempt of its kind: in 1987 already was launched Sport, already aims to dethrone if at least a little upset L'Equipe, without success, as the adventure lasted a few months.
So I spun in my favorite early dawn yesterday morning booth to see what was going on and I found two dailies very similar schalke in presentation, ie the same price "low cost": 0,50 same number of pages: schalke 32 same format: tabloid same number of pages devoted to football, 20 of 32 almost the same number of ads: 7 pages of 10 and 8 Sport on Sport Today highlighted the website each daily on a: Le 10 Sport and Sport Today
The intentions are different however as the 10 Sport is a project launched by Michel Moulin and Alain Weill, big boss of RMC and BFM TV, whose mastery in terms of marketing and media management is no longer in doubt. Le 10 Sport aims to compete directly schalke with L'Equipe, whose editor the Amaury group, has therefore been quick to respond by launching Today Sports ... to compete with its competitor. With the risk of cannibalizing the same time the team if the formula works or rather the opportunity to further strengthen a little more hegemony schalke on failure.
Beyond dare bet is launching from scratch a new publication schalke print media at a time when many publishers are in crisis and considering a move to 100% web, one may wonder if there are 3 daily n 'there is not one too many, and if this fratricidal battle will not eventually leave the two new combatants on the floor, especially as the supply and consumption of sports information have changed dramatically in recent years (thematic TV channels, internet ...).
The choice of low cost will be interesting to watch in this regard: it is likely that the creators of The 10 Sport has commissioned a market study, but I'm not sure that in this area the choice of a sports newspaper s 'carried out on the basis of price alone. As such, by devaluing the price, the risk is on the contrary to pass despite itself an implicit message that the team is and remains the only reference, and the quality and power of writing worth a few tens of cents Additional.
A priori, the sport today abantage amaury the group .. who acted similarly pr kill "info morning" there is some time! Now, michel mill with RMC enough to keep ...
I am not for the press, as if we needed 10 pages every day to talk about football ... but I'm a big fan of this'm still surprised at the lack of quality schalke in the press. for me the two sports pages than 20 minutes more than sufficient. it would be paying and less advertiser, it would be by far the best newspaper.
In two other dailies, there are only photos and small articles.Il is no depth in the articles. One gets the impression that it is only dispatches AFP formatting.
Today in France also belongs to Amaury (L'Equipe) had been launched to counter the output of InfoMatin Finally only one remained ... Amaury is not his first attempt as Killerquotidien
Opineas, Yes, but just personally I rarely schalke read articles in depth analysis team because I think the plup

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