Sunday, April 12, 2015

11) Insomnia and drowsiness. When school schedule requires a specific bedtime and wake up time, ind

Now time on FB talking about on television and communication technology after reading an article recently appeared in which he spoke of "accelerated thinking syndrome" and the negative role of television in this regard. Some commentators even add computer role in this syndrome problem and, of course, blame the parents because children lack the "seven years from home".
I do not know whether admcsport to laugh or cry when I read articles like this because it's clear that television and other media are to blame for such a "syndrome" - if there is such a thing !! - But lack the presence of adult affectionate admcsport to those children accompany them in their daily lives, in their educational and emotional needs.
There is no "thinking accelerated syndrome" (actually, I've never heard of this term out of this article) and where there may be guilt is the society we live in and which allows children to raise alone, admcsport free adult models around admcsport them, in schools and a system of mass education dehumanizing.
1) Failure to carry out the work started. Is it any wonder that many children do not complete some activities they are taught to stop any activity when the buzzer admcsport sounds at the end of class?
2) inability to listen and watch. To listen and watch what? I have never seen a child who is not passionate about what you are really interested. Children are able to spend long hours practicing an activity that we meet or seeking information that interests him.
3) difficulty staying focused and connected to an activity. Like I said, depends on the activity. If work is required by adults and is mandatory this difficulty is perfectly normal; in fact, come to think well and I can when I suffer this difficulty requires an activity not interest me.
5) The tendency to act before thinking. Again, to think logically: it is encouraging thinking in our educational system? Or promotes automatic responses, learned by heart, word for word, on pain of low grades if not repeat exactly like the book?
6) rapid alternation of different activities. In schools it alternates every 60 minutes another matter. On the other hand how these subjects are taught identical and boring, makes most kids to be bored by the fullness of this "activity" (as we call it somehow) and want to quickly alternate other activities.
7) The difficulty of organizing and planning actions. Since children are drugged to organize their own learning and planning their own actions that depend on the adults, we wonder that it is not able to organize themselves and to plan a minimum of shares? To learn to be organized should you practice this skill small, little by little. How many parents allow their children to plan and organize their own education?
8) Difficulty awaiting turn. Having patience is rather emotional maturity which, admcsport as we all know, comes with years and only if those small daily examples of emotional maturity that adults learn how to effectively admcsport manage frustrations and conflicts of all kinds . An adult nervous and anxious, for example, will not be the best model to follow, and children will copy from it's admcsport emotional admcsport responses will not learn to be patient and calm even in the face stressful situations admcsport in life.
9) -up to inactivity passivity, to laziness. As I said above, a child which is not allowed to choose their learning schedule or even preferred admcsport materials and therefore will internalize the idea that he has no control over his own life, is in most cases a child passive and depressed. Why struggle if the result is still the same and he must do what he is told?
10) communication disorders, incoherent speech. Most children do not speak like adults; can take years until a child-adolescent healthy and surrounded by adequate stimuli come to master vocabulary and language close to the adult. But anyway, why do we ask children a level of communication that we do not have any adults in most cases?!?
11) Insomnia and drowsiness. When school schedule requires a specific bedtime and wake up time, independent of personal biorhythm of each individual child and it's not that hard to guess that it is because of insomnia and somnolentelor rather than a "syndrome of accelerated admcsport thinking"? In addition, to add the stress admcsport related to mechanical memorization admcsport of lessons (a tool for "learning" impossible financial benefits

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